
Top quotes by Rickson Gracie

Rickson Gracie is one of the greatest fighters of all-time.

Photo credit: Graciemag

His fighting and grappling abilities have left a legacy that continues to influence people all around the world. In case you didn't know, Rickson's father is the legendary Helio Gracie who is one of the most influential martial artists in the world. 

One of the reasons why Rickson was so successful was his mindset. Here are some of the top quotes from Rickson that demonstrate his approach to jiu-jitsu, fighting, and life in general:

  1. Our fears don't stop death, they stop life.
  2. True strength is not always shown through victory. Stand up, try again, and display strength of heart.
  3. A brave man, a real fighter is not measured by how many times he falls, but how many times he stands up.
  4. The biggest gift I received as a martial artist is without a question the capacity to be in peace.

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