
Here are the benefits of staying hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial to getting the most out of training and being at your best during competition. It's one of the best workout tips you can put to work for you because it works. If you're not drinking enough water on a regular basis, it might be because you don't understand why you should. There are several benefits to staying hydrated throughout the day. Here they are:

Better focus and memory

Your brain is reliant on water to function efficiently and properly. Did you know that your brain tissue shrinks when you're dehydrated? Dehydration leads to lower mental energy and prevents you from thinking clearly. By drinking water throughout the day, you'll be able to be sharp in both training and competition.

Improve your overall movement

It's tough to move smoothly when you're dehydrated. Having the right amount of water in your body will make you feel like you're on top of your game. Joints are able to be lubricated with proper hydration. Your muscles are also able to move and respond to what you need them to do because water transports the nutrients you're entire body needs.

Flush out waste

One of the biggest reasons why you need water is so your body can get rid of waste. Your blood is about 90% water and so drinking water helps you keep your internal systems clean and healthy. You can also prevent constipation by drinking enough water throughout the day.

If you're not already staying on top of your hydration, start drinking water now. Some experts recommend 13 cups of water for men and 9 cups for women. It's not a set amount since everyone's needs vary depending on body type so don't be afraid to test out different amounts to see what works best for you. One way to know you're drinking enough water is by paying attention to the color of your urine. The darker your urine is, the more water you need to drink to stay hydrated.

Hydration affects your success as an athlete in every sport you could possibly compete in from judo to jiu-jitsu. If you need to, set alarms to remind you to drink water. Increase your accountability by asking your training partners and coaches to help you stay on track as well.

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